Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chapter 6: Trial by Fire

We were captivated by the runes, a different one calling to each of us. They called us deep within ourselves to personal trials, where something of a god wished to test our mettle. Afterwards, we had more time in the dark to share our trials.
Jarod was called to a short hallway, the end of which was barred by a large door. Upon this door was inscribed a riddle.
“insert riddle here”
He quickly guessed the answer, and the door swung open, revealing an orc. This orc was a monster, even amongst his kind, and wield a great spiked chain made of an eerie dark metal. Jarod matched his foe swing for swing. With a final blow that nearly ripped the orcs head off, he found himself falling down a pit with no end in sight.
               Aida found herself on a bright cloud. “Oh gods, am I dead…” she panicked. An old man strolled up next to her and asked what she wanted most. She answered that she would most like her group to be safely out of the hole they were stuck in. The old shook his head at her lack of imagination, but had to admit her selflessness seemed sincere. He asked her to solve a riddle.
“insert riddle here”
She eventually guessed the answer. “Very good,” congratulated the old man, “now let’s see you solve this.” Aida found herself suddenly underwater, and instinctually swam to the surface. One dim torch illuminated a nearby shore, and she made her way to it. She found a hallway leading into the rock face, and it led to three doors.
One opened easily, and held only a table with a crust of stale bread which a rat would turn down. The other two were sealed tight. She tried to pick the lock, force the door (less than brilliant as the doors opened out), even using the riddle’s answer as a passphrase, but nothing worked. The old man told her there was a simply answer she hadn’t tried. She sat against a wall, weary from overthinking. In a flash of clarity, she knocked on the door. It swung open invitingly, and its guardians swung their swords towards her stomach. She tried to fight them off, but they just wouldn’t go down. Searching for secret escape, she kicked open the sarcophagus in the center of the room. The crumbling bones inside clutched a beautiful bronze dagger to its chest. Aida snatched it up as the skeletons ran her through. She too found herself falling down one of those stereotypical nightmare spirals.
Ethiriel met the old man in a clearing. He asked her a riddle. When she answered, he presented her with two prizes. First was her packhorse, whom she had missed sorely since they were whisked away in the sewers. Second was Sloan, who was aiming a bow at her head. She rolled out of the way of the speeding arrow. In a brief moment of sanity, Sloan called out to Ethiriel “What’s going on?” “You tried to shoot me!” she yelled. “Oh shit, there are the voices again… DODGE!” he struggled as he unwillingly readied another arrow. Woosh, it missed, barely. They tried many tactics, splitting up, breaking arrows, restraining Sloan, but he was always magically able to fire upon her when the voices compelled him. She found the answer in the riddle, and allowed the next arrow to find its mark. She fell into a bright void, and imagined it was death.
Sloan was sent to a pleasure palace, and, after being forced to fire on an ally, was rather unsurprised to be greeted by a strange old man. A riddle was asked and answered, as reward Sloan was sent on a mission worth 2k platinum to assassinate a male drow who was somehow climbing through the military ranks. Sloan gladly accepted, and was given a magical map which showed his position, but not his target. He quickly found an expensively armored drow, relieving himself, and managed to sneak up on him. The first arrow crippled the man, allowing time for two more shots before the drow could reach Sloan. A solid blow with his heavy pick finished the job smoothly. As his target fell to the ground, Sloan slipped through a rift in time and space, and began orbiting a small comet at the edge of the universe.
Igor was more aware of the illusory nature of his situation, and introduced himself when the old man appeared. He was congratulated on his politeness, and the old man apologized that he could not return the introduction at the time. Riddle, trial, falling, let’s move on with the story.
All were thrown against a wall of the pit as they returned to reality, and took a well-earned nap.

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